5% of transsexuals regret having changed their sex, although the actual number could be much higher, except for the threats they receive from the LGTBI. Even so, little by little they are giving the face to tell their heartbreaking testimonies.
The list of repentant transsexuals who face, is increasing
The remorse is a feeling that a person experiences when he thinks he has not acted correctly. It is a feeling of guilt or discomfort that persists when an action of its own is judged as negative. The definition is not ours but the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language .
This feeling is what 5% of transsexuals feel . Although the vast majority of people who have changed sex are publicly proud of 'their new self', the truth is that behind that facade there are many others who are devastated by the decision without return they took.
However, those who repent of having changed their sex, do not speak publicly, can not, the threats of the LGTBI lobby and other activists prevent it. Anyone who stands against the gender ideology is marginalized, excluded and threatened.
Transgender transsexuals claim that sex-change surgery does not make them male or female but is pure and hard genital mutilation
Therefore, understanding what people who have repented of and feel have been quite complicated for years. One of the first faces was Walter Heyer who, after living a very complicated childhood, an unnecessary sex change and a struggle to find his identity, has criticized how the LGTBI lobby manipulates children in schools to change their Sex . He was also in charge of dismantling the transsexual film 'The Danish Girl'
But now the media The Federalisthas published more testimony of transsexuals who consider their sex change the biggest mistake of their lives.
For the protagonists of this report, sex-change surgery is synonymous with genital mutilation , the treatment of hormones is a potent drug and gender dysphoria a sexual identity disorder that does not receive the necessary psychological attention. If you are a man the operation does not make you a woman or a woman in a man ... it is pure and hard genital mutilation.
Alan Finch repentant Australian sex-change surgery / Ebaum
This is how Alan Finch , a 36-year-old Australian, thinks that for 17 years he was a woman named Helen. In his adolescence never felt integrated, as it affirms in the chain of television ABC , reason why he thought that he was homosexual.
But the doubts continued to surface in his youth, so he thought he was "trapped" in the wrong body. After receiving the support of his mother and doctors, he underwent a sex-change operation, a decision that has no turning back, a fact of which he was conscious too late.
Finch: "They mutilate your genitals and then make you believe that you are a woman, but this is false"
"The operation is false, you do not change sex, that is biologically impossible, you mutilate your genitals and then you are made to believe that you are a woman, but this false , inwardly you are still a man," he confesses.
Finch defines the sex-change operation as "liposuction to an anorexic person," and assures that the "vacuum is even worse." After spending a few stormy years being 'Helen', she sued the Australian gender identity clinic, for a bad diagnosis.
It was then that the transgender community came upon him, received threats, calls for hatred and was persecuted and publicly humiliated.
Before the outbreak of hatred, Finch decided to remain anonymous, letting his story be forgotten in time.
The threats were effective, it is important for the LGTBI community that transsexuals show an image of "happiness" and "authenticity" vis-Ã -vis the public, but when one of them has the audacity to stand against the false background, they are silenced without Ments
His decision created a stir in society at the time, becoming a symbol for twentieth-century transsexualism. Richards was expected to show an image of strength and bravery ... but this image did not resemble the nightmare that the tennis player was living outside the cameras.
Richards: "There are many options to ruin your life because of the confusion of not knowing who you are"
In an interview given to the magazine 'Tennis Magazine' in 1999 Richards confessed the reality of the change of sex.
"I know that deep down that I am a second-class woman, if I had taken a drug that would reduce the pressure I would have taken it without thinking, rather than operate. I do not want to be any role model for transsexual people. I mean publicly that there are better options to the sex change operation, there are many options to destroy your life because of the confusion of not knowing who you are. "
Sports and transsexual journalist Mike Penner / ESPN
The story of Mike Penner is even more tragic. This sports journalist, of great fame wrote in 'Los Angeles Time' for 24 years. In 2007, in the weekly column before the summer vacation announced that it would return being 'Christine Daniels'.
Said and done on the return of vacation returned to the writing as a woman, after having undergone a sex change operation and started a strong treatment of hormones. The newspaper then decided to give her a blog to tell about her experiences as a woman.
The blog called 'The Woman of Progress' was a great platform for transgender activism; But then in 2008 without previous explanation the website was canceled.
From one day to the next, Penner decided to leave Christine aside and become the usual Mike.
Mike Penner committed suicide after regretting the sex change operation
The newspaper never wanted to acknowledge the reasons for removing the blog posts and although the media tried to talk to the journalist and the media, they refused to give explanations.
A year later in 2009, Penner appeared dead in his house, committed suicide, the reasons are not known. The funeral was strictly private to keep the media away who were shocked by the news.
For their part, the LGBT community offered a funeral but only to 'Christine Daniels' and not to Mike Penner.
Nancy Verhelst asked for euthanasia for the depression she experienced while being transsexual / Facebook
Another of the testimonies is the one of Nancy Verhelst native of Belgium. After a complicated childhood, the only girl in her family and two male brothers, says that her mother always put her away because she was weaker than the rest.
Nancy felt that all her problems were based on not having the right biological sex, so she decided to have surgery to become a male.
In 2009 he began his hormone therapy for sex change and finally underwent two surgeries in 2012: a mastectomy and a genital reconstruction to have a penis.
In spite of the change of sex, Nancy felt physically like a "monster"
In an interview Verhelst gave the Belgian newspaper Het Laatste Nieuwshoras said he felt "a monster" and that "could not overcome the depression that had consumed it since childhood."
At age 44, Nancy finally asked the doctors for the lethal injection. In Belgium, euthanasia has been legal since 2002 and only requires a medical document claiming "unbearable suffering" to be granted.
A year later she obtained the papers that accepted euthanasia, and on September 30, 2013, Nancy committed suicide in the hands of the doctors.
A Silenced Community
While these stories are part of a small percentage, the truth is that they are often silenced so that public opinion on a complex issue
The rates of postoperative mortality and suicide among transsexuals is much higher than the rest of society
Even so, a Swedish study in 2003 by the Public Health Institute found that rates of postoperative mortality and suicide rates among transsexuals are much higher than in the rest of society.
In the study, several respondents say they have had hardly any psychological help even, claim that doctors do not even ask them questions.
The report concludes with the following statement: "Yes, there are several documented cases of repentance, but most hide their dissatisfaction so the actual data are unknown. Something very regrettable, because it prevents us from offering necessary help to the problems faced by transsexuals. "
The gender ideology imposed
The discourse of gender ideology is present in every society in the world.
In Spain, the gay lobby has been able to enter the classroom thanks to the President of the Community of Madrid, Cristina Cifuentes , who, with the l y and envelope on comprehensive protection against discrimination for sexual and gender diversity , students in Madrid, Public, concerted and private schools will have to learn among many other things the different types of sex.
Assembly dragqueen and the president of the Community of Madrid, Cristina Cifuentes / Actuall
Despite the fact that civil society does not tolerate this imposition of ideology, and that many associations have requested an unconstitutionality appeal against LGTBI law of the Community of Madrid, to fight for equality, physical and moral integrity or freedom of expression , The truth is that the LGTBI collective protection is very visible.
Even academics have shown their rejection of a law that tries to indoctrinate children since the age of three. Epidemiologist and psychiatrist Paul McHugh , MD, and one of the world's leading specialists in neurology, criticized the Cifuentes law, asserting that "before a government imposes laws on people it is necessary to know what science says about this issue " .
Although there are more and more people who have decided to face and tell their testimony of repentance and forgiveness. Actuall counted on the case of Fernando Ñaupari , a Peruvian who lived 28 years as a transsexual and thanks to a strong encounter with God he could change his life again.
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