Enjoy sex after your 50th
Enjoy sex after your 50th
Enjoying sexuality into old age. Research shows that in Belgium more than 80% of couples over 50 are sexually active. Also, the majority of the over-50s quite satisfied with his or her sex life. Sennet relationship coach Dennis Reynders explains how to keep the passion alive after your 50th and advocates for "good-enough sex.
Satisfaction with sex life depends on several issues
If you have routine in bed, you often have everywhere.Break the routine in your life!Both fifties and eighties are over fifty, but it does have more than a generation age difference. The sexuality of over fifty does not exist. Also individually, there are obviously many differences that determine the sexual experience: high or low sex drive, much or little experimentation with sex, enjoyed a free sexual education or saddled with some taboos ...
Your body changes after 50
What is common, it is that from 50th you are physically close to many changes.Everything goes slower. It is normal that you need more time to get excited and to get ready. Women come in the menopause, and this is usually accompanied by vaginal dryness and decreased libido as a result of a decrease in estrogen.The erectile ability of men diminishes and even slows down the ejaculation process.
Sex after your 50th is still fun and satisfying
After 50 are men and women are often better about themselves and they know better what they wantthese changes in no way mean the end of an exciting sex life. Nearly 90% of the 50 to 70 year olds today put the day their sex lives on, while this was only 53% in 1970.Although there occurs a decrease in the sexual activity, do not have to mean that no reduction in the satisfaction. Interestingly, the quality of love life seems to be related to the quality of sex life for these changes. People who are satisfied with their sex life on average survive these changes. Even though it is sometimes wrong, people can more easily into perspective: "I do not cum, but I did enjoy", "The erection disappeared, but we have further fine hugged and caressed."
On the positive side you will have more time for your love life
Moreover, it is true that after 50 more relaxed and have more time for each other. The children are often from home, which undoubtedly increases the opportunities to make love undisturbed. Many women also feel better in their skin. They have more self-confidence and make them less concerned about their body. Women and men have become more themselves and their bodies often know better. Therefore they also know better what they want.
Lust versus connectedness
Happy couples find emotional security together and loyalty in their relationship increasingly important, as is maintaining respect for each other. Security is needed to dare to express your feelings vulnerable around sex. Intimacy makes sex better and also forms a solid foundation when it comes less sexually. Investing in sex also means investing in intimacy.
It is important to realize that sex has two sides
On the one hand we crave security, stability and solidarity. You want to feel embraced, you strive for unification and want to enjoy intense intimacy. On the other hand there is the passion. You want to seduce the other, conquer lust and experience in all its severity. Eroticism requires just distance, adventure and the unexpected. We do not desire what we already know, we like the unknown.
The challenge is to reconcile these two elements, lust and connectedness with each other. This requires both attention to the intimacy and the passion.
How do we keep the passion alive?
Try new things or purchase of auxiliary remedies, will only work if there is laughter too cankeep passion alive is not easy. You have to work at it! Firstly, by ensuring that you retain your liveliness. If you have routine in bed, which is often present in your life. Break the routine, go do things again, live from things that give you energy. Pull yourself into the world and continue to do the things that make you happy, give energy and fueling the fire in you. That way you'll stay alive and 'innovative' for your partner. That's the passion only benefit.
On the other hand you know your partner never completely, and that's a good thing. There is always a piece that is unpredictable and incalculable, allowing partners continue to surprise each other and remain sexually attractive to each other.
Provide variety and use your imagination
People with sexual fantasies have a satisfying sex lifeVary sexual acts and sexual fantasies keep the sex alive. The experience of fantasies is sometimes wrongly seen as 'disloyal' or as a substitute for unsatisfactory sex with the partner. That's too bad.
People who often have sexual fantasies, have a satisfying sex life, get aroused faster and have fewer sexual problems. Imagination and libido are closely related.
I guess in my practice people tend to consciously sexual fantasies to be busy, to recall certain experiences back up, to get going again as if the enthusiasm that comes less spontaneously.
Take sex too seriously
'Good-enough-sex' is good enough
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