What are the pros and cons of swallowing semen?

Is sperm really "healthy"? And how 'yuk' is a good one dot semenplasma? A search along the corners of the internet led me to a lot of claims about both the health and the taste of teelbalvocht.
Remarkably often, I read definite statements that this flavor can vary by external factors such as nutrition and lifestyle behaviors. Smoking, consumption of coffee, alcohol and concise foods like broccoli and asparagus were the taste and mouthfeel of the house of bitter tasting man juice negatively.
We might wonder how and where it is examined. A few years ago, the BBC did for a food a real taste semen test, in which three women were presented with the kwakjes of their partners. These men were put on a diet and the women had to decide whether they could taste a difference in taste. Two of the three claimed so, what TV makers concluded brought the flavor molecules from food can perhaps reach teel moisture men. Funny, but unfortunately the TV program presented scientific rather disappoint.
To my knowledge there is no recognized significant double-blind studies on the taste of sperm. To do this well, the seed of different groups of men with different eating patterns by groups of women would have to be tasted and judged. Only then can there be anything sensible said.
The same applies to the claim that sperm 'healthy' would be. Seed would consist of water (about 90 percent), protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, fructose, zinc, minerals, and various chemical substances. Of these suspected to combat depression, reduce anxiety, improve mood and increase affection. According to some, a goodcumshot is a great cure for melancholy and other problems. The media have brought these hypotheses verlekkering as firm claims, but these studies are under attack.
A major objection is the question of why seed would possess this property and how it evolved. Swallowing sperm (biologists 'ejaculation consumption' called) goes against the original purpose of the stuff, namely procreation. There are species whose females consume the sperm of their guys, but this behavior is not standard human, and perhaps even a recent cultural phenomenon.
That screams for academically sound historical-sociological research: when and why women began to swallow the cheese spread from their men? The Search Continues. Yuk!
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