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Many young people have sex against their will

Many young people have sex against their will

Must perform six out of ten girls between 15 and 25 years have ever had sex against their physical or sexual acts. In the vast majority of cases they were persuaded to do so, manipulated, blackmailed or coerced by boys.
This is evident from the survey "Let me hear you now! ', Performed by the University of Utrecht and knowledge sexuality Rutgers Nisso Groep, the researchers asked over the internet in 1350 sexually active young people between 15 and 25, which cross-border experiences and behaviors they from their 14th myself have ever experienced or practiced.
Experiences ranged from an unsolicited sexual remark or get sent pornography to forced sex.Almost two thirds of all the girls and the boys had ever had such a cross-border experience, as shown by the responses. Remarkably, the high percentage of unwanted physical sexual contact. 63 percent of girls and 46 percent of boys had ever had sex against their will.


The experience of inappropriate sexual behavior were two distinct risk groups emerge: girls and gay boys. At experiences without physical contact also were non-western religious youth at risk.
Boys formed a risk when it came to itself beyond other people's boundaries. The level of education also appeared to be related to exhibiting inappropriate sexual behavior: lower educated youth often exceed the limits of the other, where there is no question of physical contact, while highly educated young people do this more often in sexual experiences with physical contact.
Clearly communicate about sex and say what you do and do not want, helps to prevent common forms of unacceptable behavior, as shown by the responses. But if one partner uses physical violence to get sex, does not help communication skills.


The study also looked at whether the experience of sexual misconduct related to eg excessive alcohol or watching porn, but a clear association could not be demonstrated.

To gain more insight into cause-and-effect relationship, the researchers now want to see what is actually on the show or experience of inappropriate sexual behavior precedes so clear how this issue can best be addressed. Results are expected in the first half of 2015.

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