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Penis size does matter

When and how often do you have sex? Which Position is best, and his semen or (top) quality? These are things that affect getting pregnant. A healthy lifestyle can also increase your fertility and hence your chances of becoming pregnant.


Sex is better if there is no pressure on it. If you have recently decided to become pregnant, sex is more exciting and fun. If pregnancy fails, it is often difficult to precisely these fertile days to have a leisurely lovemaking. Still, it's worth it to take the time and pamper each other. Talk about it together, so that neither is doing anything against the sentence to the other person a favor. That will eventually lead only to irritation.
Both men and women seem excitement (good for a game) to increase the chances of fertilization. In men, seems to improve the quality of the seeds as the excitation takes longer before the ejaculation. If women get into good mood, their vagina wetter. This ensures that the sperm can swim better. Remember that after a good foreplay often have better orgasms! Do you still suffer from vaginal dryness (often a side effect offertility treatments), use lube. Mind you, a lot of work spermicidal lubricants, and now you can not use it correctly. So be there right when you buy it.


Of course, your husband must have an orgasm to fertilize your egg. But the chance of pregnancy is increased if you have an orgasm. The best time for this is just after his ejaculation. Then your uterus contracts and pushes as if the sperm towards the egg. Your orgasm also ensures that your vagina is moist. This moisture (high oxygen content and good acidity) have sperm more likely to survive and they move easily.


It may seem boring, but the missionary position gives a slightly greater chance of pregnancy than all sorts of complicated positions. In this position, you lie on your back with your legs apart, knees bent and feet on the bed. Your husband is on top of you with his face towards you.
The missionary position is your vagina downwards, towards the cervix (cervical). And since your husband's penis can penetrate deeply, the seed comes very directly into your uterus. Your husband should try to keep his penis during ejaculation as deep as possible into the vagina, so that as many sperm from reaching the right spot.
Stay after ejaculation even lie down, so that the seed does not run right out of your vagina. Normally achieved after five minutes, the sperm mature egg. To be safe, it is recommended to stay for fifteen minutes on your back, possibly with a pillow under your buttocks. Only one sperm can penetrate the egg. The seed that after fifteen minutes it may face from you, does not stand a chance.
"At doggy 'is also a good scolding. Here too, the penis deep inside your vagina and ejaculation may be close to your cervix.


An unhealthy lifestyle or conditions in the workplace can have a bad influence on the quality of sperm. This involves the number of sperm cells in sperm and motility (swimming ability) thereof. We summarize here the 'zaadverzwakkers' just together:
  • poor, unbalanced diet
  • smoking
  • alcohol (more than two drinks per day all have consequences
  • drugs (hashish, ecstasy, marijuana)
  • Anabolic steroids
  • industrial chemicals, such as lead
  • paint
  • chemotherapy and medications in chronic intestinal infections
  • shifts (disruption of circadian rhythm)
  • are long (eg truck drivers)


Want to know how it is with the quality of your sperm, without having to switch to a doctor? There are two types of fertility testing for the man for sale. One looks just how many sperm are present in the semen. Because the sperm must swim to fertilize the egg, the test also checks the motility of the sperm cells better.
In a special container semen must be taken care of. Within half an hour is liquefied. The moment you take a few drops of liquid (oxygen and dye) is added to. Because sperm cells consume oxygen, discolors the sperm after an hour. The degree of discoloration indicates the mobility of the seed to. Which you can judge on the basis of a color chart.


Sperm quality is at its best when there is an ejaculation every day. More frequent lovemaking makes no sense, because there is less and less motile sperm present in the semen. Sperm cells remain two to three days in life. During the days before and during ovulation make love, you increase the chance of pregnancy. Once pointless, too bad. Lovemaking should be fun and not mandatory number.

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